I've been reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Its an incredibly challenging and insightful book on prayer, and what a bold life of faith-drenched prayer looks like. I also just started reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and no book has hit so close to home as this one. I'm still in the first half of the book, but its fascinating. She tells about her journey from a life of wanting to a life filled with one thousand gifts, and how all that changed was how she viewed thanksgiving, and grace, and the Giver himself. Its exactly what I need to be reading right now. Basically she was dared to write down one thousand things that she was thankful for every day. Now to accomplish that I would need some major discipline. But she talks about how it altered her entire life because her focus was on the gifts, and the Giver instead of the lack or the void.
So today, here's my list.
Today I am thankful for
- Cereal and vanilla rice milk
- Waking up to the sun
- The weird but cool dream from last night
- Breeze in the trees outside the window
- the Holy scriptures
- Bennet and Archer being excited to see me
- Sadie's morning baby smell
- little voices talking gibberish to me
- Baby clothes
- Friendly park moms
- Homemade zucchini bread
- The boys eating (and liking ) my homemade zucchini bread
- Sadie's smile whenever she sees me
- Bennet's rare cuddle-mood
- Archer just wanting to lay in my arms while everyone else naps
- Talking to Leslie on the phone
- Hearing that I have a place to stay a little longer
- Tweets about the Olympics
- My camelback water bottle
- the boys waking up happy from naps
- Healthy, happy kids
- Backyard baby pool splashing
- Chicken salad
- Sunglasses
- Baby fingers poking my eyes, nose ring, ears
- Curiosity, eagerness to learn
- My mom's children's ministry background
- 5:00 pm
- Independence
- My (Lisa's) mini fridge with a cold drink after work
- Afternoon sun on the futon
- Good movies (Transformers)
- Blueberries
- Danielle planning our hike
- Laced sneakers
- Ipod
- The tension leaving my body as I run
- Perfect running weather
- The prairie path
- New running shorts swooshing
- Seeing Kate Z
- Water over my hot skin
- Mary Kay products
- The bath robe Coach E gave me 6 years ago
- my computer screen
- Good people
- Sore feet
- My phone
- Yellow nail polish
- Another day for thankfulness
I need to read both of those books!!!! And I can hardly believe you still have that bathrobe. I love you girl and praying for you today. So thankful for you!