Monday, July 30, 2012

Books and a List

If you ask anyone who knows me they will tell you I love to get lost in a good book. I literally get lost- I leave reality until the book is finished, only to re-enter and live in a brief post-book depression. Maybe you are an avid reader and can relate. What is ironic is that there are few books besides a good fiction novel that hold my attention. Now I don't know if it was me graduating college and suddenly being able to read whatever I wanted, or if it was the lack of constant information influx that I received in college thus producing a void, but I suddenly read many books besides fiction. And whats more, I am on track to finishing them. This is a rare and impressive feat for me. Give me a 600 page novel, and I'll finish it within the week. Give me a 200 page Christian self-help, I might make it to page 50, and then it joins my bookshelf delinquents.  Not so, recently!

I've been reading The Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. Its an incredibly challenging and insightful book on prayer, and what a bold life of faith-drenched prayer looks like. I also just started reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp, and no book has hit so close to home as this one. I'm still in the first half of the book, but its fascinating. She tells about her journey from a life of wanting to a life filled with one thousand gifts, and how all that changed was how she viewed thanksgiving, and grace, and the Giver himself. Its exactly what I need to be reading right now. Basically she was dared to write down one thousand things that she was thankful for every day. Now to accomplish that I would need some major discipline. But she talks about how it altered her entire life because her focus was on the gifts, and the Giver instead of the lack or the void.

So today, here's my list.

Today I am thankful for

  1. Cereal and vanilla rice milk
  2. Waking up to the sun
  3. The weird but cool dream from last night
  4. Breeze in the trees outside the window
  5. the Holy scriptures
  6. Bennet and Archer being excited to see me
  7. Sadie's morning baby smell
  8. little voices talking gibberish to me
  9. Baby clothes
  10. Friendly park moms
  11. Homemade zucchini bread
  12. The boys eating (and liking ) my homemade zucchini bread
  13. Sadie's smile whenever she sees me
  14. Bennet's rare cuddle-mood
  15. Archer just wanting to lay in my arms while everyone else naps
  16. Talking to Leslie on the phone
  17. Hearing that I have a place to stay a little longer
  18. Tweets about the Olympics
  19. My camelback water bottle
  20. the boys waking up happy from naps
  21.  Healthy, happy kids
  22. Backyard baby pool splashing
  23. Chicken salad
  24. Sunglasses
  25. Baby fingers poking my eyes, nose ring, ears
  26. Curiosity, eagerness to learn
  27. My mom's children's ministry background
  28. 5:00 pm
  29. Independence
  30. My (Lisa's) mini fridge with a cold drink after work
  31. Afternoon sun on the futon
  32. Good movies (Transformers)
  33. Blueberries
  34. Danielle planning our hike
  35. Laced sneakers
  36. Ipod
  37. The tension leaving my body as I run
  38. Perfect running weather
  39. The prairie path
  40. New running shorts swooshing
  41. Seeing Kate Z
  42. Water over my hot skin
  43. Mary Kay products
  44. The bath robe Coach E gave me 6 years ago
  45. my computer screen
  46. Good people
  47. Sore feet
  48. My phone
  49. Yellow nail polish
  50. Another day for thankfulness

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Pop tarts, and a slap in the face

We take a lot of things for granted in America. Obviously with our Independence Day being celebrated we are all aware of the sacrifices made to pay the price of our freedom. There's a lot of sacrifice that is required to reach a goal, if that goal is anything worth striving for. Taking things for granted in the midst of great sacrifice deserves a slap in the face. But we need that slap. I needed that slap.

I got that slap these last few weeks. It came hard and loud and left a nice red mark that has developed into a somewhat annoyingly repulsive bruise (hypothetically speaking). I took the main American comforts of life for granted, and they have all been removed from my disposal at certain times over the past few weeks. I won't go into the details, but things like good cars, A/C, wireless internet, a kitchen to cook in, and a bathroom to use are all luxury to me now. My bank account was severely depleted after a period of time unemployed, and I have found myself living a much simpler life than of even a month ago.
For example, on my return to Wheaton June 24th, I had no way to keep perishable food in my room. Therefore I bought a box of Pop Tarts at the Dollar Store to be my breakfast for the week. I made it last as I found myself learning life without the usual comforts. I don't particularly like Pop Tarts, but it was really all I had. To be blunt, the course of my life of late has taken some interesting turns and I find myself on the wanting side. I have found myself (character) wanting in many areas, even as I have found my situation wanting. 

I was reminded of a saying that has never been more true in my life. It goes "Never complain. Things can always get worse." And I found this to be quite true. After a difficult week trying to process my life and the course it is on, a huge storm ravaged all of my county, leaving over a quarter of a million people without power for over 3 days. (I and the family I live with are still currently without power on this day 4). It seemed things only got worse. However, I have found something to be even truer than all of this.

Philippians 4:11-13
 ... for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

I read that a few days ago and it was like the Holy Spirit gently, but firmly, slapped me across the face. And I deserved it. Here I was reading Paul tell people in Philippi all about his trials, and then go on to say that. Read it again:

Philippians 4:11-13
 ... for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. 12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Just two chapters earlier in Philippians 2, we read this:

12 Therefore...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
14 Do everything without grumbling or complaining, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[c] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky 16 as you hold firmly to the word of life.

So even as I battle discouragement physically, spiritually, financially, emotionally and mentally, I am reminded of these verses and the veracity therein. I pray that my life may be a battle standard of these verses. That I will wave my contentment and gratitude high and learn that I should not complain. And I hope you learn the same, even if it means you have to go without the comforts you are used to and sacrifice a little more than you would prefer.  Because even when things seem really bad, we can do all things through Him who gives us strength....and a healthy slap...and pop tarts.