Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bucket List

I've made a list somewhere before. I had a mental one for my senior year of college- it turned out pretty good actually. I DID sing in Edman Chapel on stage into a mic. I DID pray in Chapel and chat with Chappy K and President Ryken. I DID participate in an epic flashmob halftime show to inaugurate our new president, which you can view here. And I DID write a bunch of random people personal notes saying how they had unintentionally blessed me during my time at Wheaton (some I hadn't even spoken to). All in all, I think its a great thing to have a bucket list. Like dreaming. Which you may remember, I am learning to do.

So here is my list. Its a work in progress and process of course.
This is NOT in order of importance.
  1. Own a horse
  2. Visit my homeland: Ireland
  3. Play a different board game every day for a month
  4. Wear my mom's wedding dress (in some form) and my grandma's wedding band at my wedding
  5. Show one of my dogs in an AKC competition
  6. Have an herb garden
  7. Learn how to cook with fresh herbs
  8. Take a hot air balloon ride
  9. Go scuba diving with Sarah Mathias White
  10. Ride horseback in the ocean
  11. Search for buried treasure
  12. See the sunrise and the sunset on the same day
  13. Be debt free for the rest of my life
  14. Speak to students about Truth
  15. Come out with my own music album
  16. Swim with dolphins
  17. Hold a lion cub
  18. Ride an elephant
  19. Rescue a greyhound
  20. Do all the crafts on my DIY craft board on pinterest
  21. Learn to think before I speak
  22. Be in a movie
  23. Start an orphanage somehwere its needed, and run it
  24. Adopt a few kids
  25. Make my own wedding veil
  26. Have a 50th wedding anniversary
  27. Take a gondola ride in Italy along the canals
  28. Go to the Ellen DeGeneres show
  29. Visit England and wear a fancy hat somewhere it would be appropriate
  30. Enter a ballroom dance competition
  31. Run a 10K
  32. Grow flowers
  33. Help my Dad buy a boat
  34. Own a condo where all my family can vacation together
  35. See all my kids graduate and get married
  36. Visit my cousins in Africa and help them do missions where my Dad grew up
  37. Live in Europe
  38. Have a library room in my house
  39. Write and have a book published
  40. Have lunch with Francine Rivers
  41. Grow my hair out to my lower ribs
  42. Be in Times Square for New Years
  43. Go on a Disney Cruise
  44. Speak Spanish fluently
  45. Share Jesus with a stranger
  46. Learn to decorate cakes professionally
  47. Eat all natural foods and cook from scratch
  48. Own a car younger than me
  49. Be on a TV show like Wipeout, Survivor, or the Amazing Race
  50. Feel confident in a bikini
  51. Learn to play the guitar
  52. Live on a self-sufficient farm with goats and chickens and horses
  53. Throw an epic themed party (maybe a reunion, or a reception)
  54. Travel travel travel: Greece, Italy, Spain, Tailand, Africa, Norway, Ireland, Hungary, Hawaii
  55. Raise my kids along with my brother and sister-in-law
and much much more.

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